United Reformed Church, 65 Swann Lane, Cheadle Hulme, STOCKPORT SK8 7HU Great Britain

+44 (0)161 485 4132  church office for messages (open Wednesday am)

Secretary… Alison Stevens_

Hall bookings… Bernie Stevens_

Outreach /Social Enterprise_

Minister… please contact the secretary above



SERVICES… 10.30 am

1st, 3rd(5th) SUNDAYS of the month… Our worship is for ALL AGE groups, with worksheets or drawing / reading for children.

2nd SUNDAY of the month… A shorter, less formal CHILD friendly service.

4th SUNDAY of the month… The service includes COMMUNION with Gluten free bread and alcohol-free grape juice(water also available).  The United Reformed Church views inclusivity as important and even young children are encouraged to participate;

Funerals, weddings and marriages by arranagement_please contact the secretary opposite