We look forward to welcoming you to our site and services. If you’re planning to visit the area, use the directions or the map (which also shows sister church at Bramhall).
Postal address…
Cheadle Hulme United Reformed Church
65 Swann Lane,
Cheadle Hulme,
+44 (0)1625 877 180 (~secretary)
From East & West
- Use M62 to join M6, turn south towards Birmingham
- Continue with following route…
From North & South
- M6 to Exit 20, for M56, towards M’cr (Manchester), airport icon
- Leave M56 at junc 5 for MANCHESTER AIRPORT
- Take the 2nd slip for A555 signed T3, Gatley, Wilmslow
- Continue for 3.5 miles and exit onto the A34, towards Manchester
- Immediately move to the right lane for a roundabout in 350m
- Take 3rd exit for B5094 (~Cheadle Hulme)
- On a narrow rd, 200m to a mini roundabout
- Turn left on Gillbent rd and continue for 950m
- Turn right at a mini roundabout onto Church Rd,
- After 400m turn left at another mini’ onto Ravenoak Rd.
- After 300m take the 2nd left into Swann Lane.
- The church is on the right after 250m. (20mph limit)
Locally, from Manchester
- Pick up the A34 Kingsway, south towards Wilmslow, Congleton
- At the B5094 roundabout, take 1st exit signed Cheadle Hulme
- Continue from #8 above.
- The big A555 bridge is a junction too far
- Run round the 555 roundabout and continue with #5 above
Locally from Stockport
- Travel (A560?) west towards CHEADLE and onwards to pickup the A34, as from Manchester above
- OR,
- Take the A6 Wellington Rd South, south towards Hazel Grove
- Turn right 1 mile from town centre (~Blossoms hotel) onto B5102 Bramhall Ln South
- Follow Bramhall Ln S for 3 miles to the large roundabout at BRAMHALL HALL
- Continue towards Bramall B5102 but almost immediately turn right
- Take Carrwood rd for 2miles (becomes Manor rd)
- At Ravenoak rd mini roundabout turn sharp left
- Cross the railway bridge and turn right into Swann Lane at the bollards
- The church is on the right after 250m. (20mph limit)