It is the policy of Cheadle Hulme URC to provide and maintain, where reasonably practical, safe and healthy conditions, equipment and systems of operation for all users of church premises and to provide such information, and supervision as are required for these purposes.  We also accept responsibility for health and safety of other people who within the limits of this policy, may be affected by our activities.

The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements, which we will make to implement the policy are set out in this here.  The church meeting is responsible for the safe operation of this church and the Elders are guardians of day to day operation.  Many of their duties are delegated through the convener to the Management Group who will arrange for periodic testing and inspecting.  The first point of contact will be the church secretary:  [email protected]    01625 877 180

Hirers of our hall(s) are reminded in their documentation of their responsibilities as fire marshals to keep exits clear and to evacuate the premises in a timely manner.

The policy should be read in concert with the other CH URC policies.  Most will be reviewed from time to time as the need arises, minimally every 5 years.

BSV 27/2/2023