
The Church Meeting of all the members is the ultimate governing body and meets every 3 months.  The Elders and Secretary, and the Worship and Management Groups all contribute to the Church Meeting’s decisions.

The Elders Meeting of the office holders manages the church day to day, week to week, and meets monthly or as necessary.   The Secretary, chosen from amongst the elders, embodies all functions of the church beyond the spiritual, the responsibility of the minister and Elders.

The Worship Group considers the spiritual life of the church and organises the programme of services and preachers, meeting at least quarterly.

The Management Group of finance officers and building stewards meets monthly or as necessary.

From time to time, task groups may be formed for particular purposes, for example, the Charities Advisory team.

The Minister, a de-facto Elder, and the secretary are ex-officio members of all meetings, but may delegate or decline.

Representatives are sent from time to time to forums of the wider church; viz the South Area, and the NW Synod; which in turn are represented at the General Assembly, and The Manchester and Salford Methodist Synod.

We have joined the Gtr Manchester South Missional Partnership, commissioned July 2019, and 1 Elder attends Steering Group meetings, monthly.

During the pandemic, church meetings were suspended; other meetings were via video conference, usually monthly.  In general this continues though Elders are meeting alternately in person and online and we have held our first church meeting in person. (Nov 2021).